After a devastating war, peace is declared among all the major races of the galaxy and an Alliance is created. One of the first decisions of the newly formed Alliance, is to build massive space stations all along the galaxy in order to promote trade among the races, strengthen diplomatic relations and help protect the newly established peace.
Each player takes the role of one of those races, trying to build the best space station. The game is played over 4 rounds, each comprising 6 turns. At the end of the game the player who has built the most efficient Station and has scored the most points, is the winner.Game Contents:
... mehr lesenAfter a devastating war, peace is declared among all the major races of the galaxy and an Alliance is created. One of the first decisions of the newly formed Alliance, is to build massive space stations all along the galaxy in order to promote trade among the races, strengthen diplomatic relations and help protect the newly established peace.
Each player takes the role of one of those races, trying to build the best space station. The game is played over 4 rounds, each comprising 6 turns. At the end of the game the player who has built the most efficient Station and has scored the most points, is the winner.Game Contents: 72 Basic Location Cards 44 Special Location Cards 32 1-Credit Tokens 30 Energy Cubes 16 5-Credit Tokens 16 Power Reactor Cards 12 Conflict Cards 8 Objective Cards 8 Race Tiles 4 Main Reactor Cards 4 Player Aid Cards 4 Player Markers 2 VAK Main Reactor Cards 1 Score Board 1 Rulebook 1 Year Marker
Veröffentlicht: | 2012 |
Hersteller: | |
Designer: | Vangelis Bagiartakis |
Künstler: |
Shop | Sprache | Preis | Lieferung | Gesamt | Auf lager | |
€ 34.95 € 27.96 | € 15.00 | € 42.96 | Besuch | |||
€ 45.00 | € 12.95 | € 57.95 | Besuch | |||
€ 39.95 | € 35.00 | € 74.95 | Besuch | |||
Shop | Sprache | Preis | Auf lager | |
€ 27.96 | Besuch | ||
€ 39.95 | Besuch | ||
€ 45.00 | Besuch | ||
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