Im Wandel der Zeiten: Das Kartenspiel

Im Wandel der Zeiten: Das Kartenspiel

Technology is a double-edged sword.

We have grown accustomed to the comforts of civilization, but at the same time, we are always creating bigger bloodier methods of destruction.

Will you focus on civil developments to speed up production, or will you build powerful armies to lay waste to your enemies?

Do you build wonders that leave a permanent heritage for mankind, or do you want to seize it from those who are not worthy?

Guns & Steel combines the variety of hand building with a unique card flipping mechanism and enables 2-4 players to compete throughout the ages, struggling to build the greatest empire of the world.

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Technology is a double-edged sword.

We have grown accustomed to the comforts of civilization, but at the same time, we are always creating bigger bloodier methods of destruction.

Will you focus on civil developments to speed up production, or will you build powerful armies to lay waste to your enemies?

Do you build wonders that leave a permanent heritage for mankind, or do you want to seize it from those who are not worthy?

Guns & Steel combines the variety of hand building with a unique card flipping mechanism and enables 2-4 players to compete throughout the ages, struggling to build the greatest empire of the world.

Enjoy a tightly packed strategy game that will force you to make challenging decisions on every turn, and experience the rise & fall of nations in just an hour's time.

Veröffentlicht: 2015
Designer: Jesse Li
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