

In the 17th and 18th centuries, merchantmen sailing under the English flag dominated the seas and international trade. The Navigation Acts restricted foreign ships from partaking in the trade between England and her colonies.

Richard Arkwright was one of the English inventors and businessmen who developed the first advanced machines (e.g. the Spinning Jenny and the Water Frame) and founded early factories. The goods produced in this manner were highly regarded in both the old country and by the Englishmen living in the colonies, as they did not want to miss out.

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In the 17th and 18th centuries, merchantmen sailing under the English flag dominated the seas and international trade. The Navigation Acts restricted foreign ships from partaking in the trade between England and her colonies.

Richard Arkwright was one of the English inventors and businessmen who developed the first advanced machines (e.g. the Spinning Jenny and the Water Frame) and founded early factories. The goods produced in this manner were highly regarded in both the old country and by the Englishmen living in the colonies, as they did not want to miss out.

In Arkwright, 2 to 4 players lead enterprises and try to develop and run them profitably over several decades. The game contains two versions of different complexities named after two milestones of technological development: Sinning Jenny and Water Frame. In both versions, the players aim to own the most valuable block of shares at the end of the game.Game Contents: 120 bills 80 workers 64 factory markers 56 shares 51 development tiles 50 machines 40 goods 36 economy markers 28 action markers 28 advanced action markers 17 event markers 16 appeal indicators 16 contract markers 16 distribution markers 16 price indicators 16 quality markers 10 ships 8 bonus markers 4 factory mats 4 harbor mats 4 neutral importer markers 4 player aids 4 share value indicators 2 competition award markers 2 rule books 2 timetable indicators 1 large game board 1 players book 1 special markers mat 1 start palyer tokenNew Material: 11 Development Tiles 8 Bonus Markers 4 Action Markers 3 Modules - Spinning Mule, Self-Actor, Stock Exchange 2 Award Markers 1 Event Tile

Veröffentlicht: 2014
Designer: Stefan Risthaus
Künstler: Harald Lieske
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