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Identity Games Escape Room Horror 2 Players

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Identity Games Escape Room Horror 2 Players

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    Identity Games Escape Room Horror 2 Players

    • 2 spannende horror escape rooms
    • Geschikt voor 2 spelers vanaf 16 jaar

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    3,7 étoiles sur 5
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    • The Wolfkin
      5,0 sur 5 étoiles Big fun in a small package
      Avis laissé au Canada le 9 février 2022
      This is at least very portable. Although you do get the box pictured in the box are three sachets and a red filter you can see in my pictures. Each game is basically a package that you unfold.

      So far I've only played Bloody Mary (the tutorial) and I failed miserably because I couldn't get the toilet paper to work properly. Mostly because I didn't understand what the game wanted me to do. Aside from that puzzle I liked the other ones. Putting things together. Identifying the right symbols. Going though pictures to locate the right one. I still have high hopes for the other two rooms but gotta get my other player willing to sit down and play.
      Image client
      The Wolfkin
      5,0 sur 5 étoiles Big fun in a small package
      Avis laissé au Canada le 9 février 2022
      This is at least very portable. Although you do get the box pictured in the box are three sachets and a red filter you can see in my pictures. Each game is basically a package that you unfold.

      So far I've only played Bloody Mary (the tutorial) and I failed miserably because I couldn't get the toilet paper to work properly. Mostly because I didn't understand what the game wanted me to do. Aside from that puzzle I liked the other ones. Putting things together. Identifying the right symbols. Going though pictures to locate the right one. I still have high hopes for the other two rooms but gotta get my other player willing to sit down and play.
      Images dans cette revue
      Image client Image client Image client
      Image clientImage clientImage client
    • Someone's Name
      5,0 sur 5 étoiles FUN,. but need to understand escape rooms
      Avis laissé aux États-Unis le 20 décembre 2021
      I have only done one actual escape room and loved it. So, got this game. It was a bit confusing to start. SO GLAD we did the mini game first (it comes with it and tells you to do that first). It was supposed to be 15minutes, but took my friend and I an hour to figure it out...then we read the walk through and "duh," it made sense. One should understand escape rooms before tackling these. We attempted one of the 60 minutes games and then really got into was frustrating, but exciting at the same time. We had to use the app on our phone for the decoder and accessing the internet for a few extra helps of challenges was also needed. Being rpepared with that ahead of time was beneficial. Attempting the first 60 min game started without having all that prepared. We were at a loss...but got it in the middle of the game and it was moving along fine - we were figuring things out. We stopped the game and actually chose to do it another day. We did where we knew we would be prepared. Set up and ready to go. Yes, since we already figured a couple things out, we were "ahead of the time," but that didn't help us too much - just gave us a bit of a cushion for our later-on mistakes. We made it... 4 minutes to spare. We "escaped." We read the walk through afterwards and realized where we went wrong with a few things...we had a couple of the clues backwards. We have one more to tackle from the box....with our track record, I'm not sure we will make it in 60 minutes - but that is okay - the clock will continue and we will still solve it. I am also excited to buy more and do more. This set is really fun. Wish I had the original so I have the decoder on hand instead of the phone app, but it is all good. I look to get more. I'm now hooked!

      only con --- in my opinion -- the print is tight and small -- have to almost be on top of one another to read and search with each others. Some clues could be separated, but it would be nice to have a 2nd or larger "playing board." (Note, it isn't a board, but when you open the game you will understand)
    • Ken Eakin
      1,0 sur 5 étoiles Not impressed
      Avis laissé au Canada le 6 février 2022
      The puzzles are more confusing than challenging or engaging. Seems like the puzzles were hastily put together and poorly thought out. Not fun. Just frustrating and, at times, nonsensical. I don’t know how anyone can solve these in under an hour, even using all the hints. My two teens gave up on the game and I stepped in. My 16-year old daughter and I managed to crack the code (for one game) eventually after 2+ hours.
      The “game board” is simply a piece of folded paper, printed with fairly poor resolution and low quality colour ink. I found myself squinting at the pictures and straining to read the tiny print.
    • R. Hertel
      5,0 sur 5 étoiles Good game
      Avis laissé aux États-Unis le 29 décembre 2024
      We've played a number of escape room games in this brand is our favorite. Even though this says two players we played with four and it was totally fine.
    • Serge
      4,0 sur 5 étoiles Nice add on
      Avis laissé au Canada le 1 mai 2024
      Super expension, enfin un peu d'horreur lol

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    • Attention:Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 3 ans. À utiliser sous la surveillance d'un adulte