Pirates: The Great Chase

Pirates: The Great Chase

Pirates is a comic combined with a game, one title in a series subtitled "The comic in which you are the hero". You embody a character in a immersive story in which your choices guide your progress. You have a character sheet akin to those used in role-playing games that tracks your possessions, your special abilities, your coins, and your victory points. In general, gameplay consists in following the comic's panels — which contain clues, riddles and traps — and making choices about where to go and what to do, while using your visual perception to collect clues and be smart enough to resolve the riddles. As in any game, you can lose — sometimes really badly!

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Pirates is a comic combined with a game, one title in a series subtitled "The comic in which you are the hero". You embody a character in a immersive story in which your choices guide your progress. You have a character sheet akin to those used in role-playing games that tracks your possessions, your special abilities, your coins, and your victory points. In general, gameplay consists in following the comic's panels — which contain clues, riddles and traps — and making choices about where to go and what to do, while using your visual perception to collect clues and be smart enough to resolve the riddles. As in any game, you can lose — sometimes really badly!


Votre capitaine vous a confié une mission importante : veiller sur un homme au pouvoir inestimable, mais dont vous ignorez le secret. Or, voilà que le prisonnier échappe à votre vigilance et disparaît déjà vers une île mystérieuse. En fidèle pirate, vous sautez du bateau pour nager en eaux troubles, prêt à franchir une jungle inhospitalière, à gravir des montagnes infranchissables, à traverser des marais puants et des villages de brigands ! Mais serez-vous toujours un loyal corsaire quand vous découvrirez le secret de cet homme ?

Votre aventure dépendra de vos choix, car le héros, c'est vous !

Released: 2012
Designers: Shuky
Artists: Gorobei
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SpelSpul en € 23.95 € 15.00 € 38.95 Visit
Philibert fr € 20.00 € 30.00 € 50.00 Visit
Game Nerdz en $ 22.99 $ 18.39 $ 6.00 $ 24.39 (€ 23.24) Visit
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€ 20.00 Visit
€ 23.95 Visit
Game Nerdz
$ 18.39 Visit