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Escape Games - Escape Your House


Escape Games - Escape Your House is a family escape game divided into 6 missions of 15 minutes each.
  • French
  • From 8 years old
  • 30mn to 1h
  • 3 to 6 player(s)

29,90 €

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The Super Secret Spy Team (SSST) is an organization that protects the world from harm.

One of the main characteristics of spies is that they go unnoticed. And what would be less visible than a sweet, innocent family or a bunch of passionate friends? That's exactly why SSST is looking for people like you! You never turn down a challenge and, like many others, you decided to sign up as a candidate.

 This week, a letter landed on your doormat stating that you, along with 9 other teams, have been selected to participate in the Spy Team auditions! The letter also contained a timer of sorts with a note asking you to always carry the gadget with you.

Find the keys to the locked doors by solving the riddles we left in your house. But be careful: any wrong answers may well lead you into a trap and waste precious time.

Missions ( 6 X 15 minutes) :

- Mission 1: Spy Team Audition

The spy organization is recruiting! You must pass the first selection test.

- Mission 2: Spy Team Final

You are now finalists! You have one more step to take to join the organization.

- Mission 3: Villain School

Your first spy mission takes you to a school. A special school that trains future villains! You'll have to collect the evidence needed to shut down this villain factory!

- Mission 4: The Sultan's Dog

Fifi, the Sultan's favorite dog has been kidnapped! Find her as soon as possible to avoid a war with the neighboring country.

- Mission 5: The Anti-Cats

A group of cyber-terrorists is rampaging across the internet, and they've created a virus that systematically destroys all videos of little cats! Help the organization find their secret hideout.

- Mission 6: The Whale Chaser

Pirates have succeeded in creating a machine that bewitches whales and uses them as weapons to attack ships. You must stop them quickly!

- Mission 4 : Le chien du Sultan

Fifi, le chien préféré du Sultan, a été kidnappé ! Retrouvez-le au plus vite pour éviter une guerre avec le pays voisin.

- Mission 5 : Les anti-chats

Un groupe de cyber-terroristes sévit sur Internet et a créé un virus qui détruit systématiquement toutes les vidéos de petits chats ! Aidez l'organisation à trouver leur cachette secrète.

- Mission 6 : Le chasseur de baleines

Des pirates ont réussi à créer une machine qui ensorcelle les baleines et les utilise comme armes pour attaquer les navires. Vous devez les arrêter rapidement !
Theme(s) Enigma
Language(s) French
Mechanism(s) Escape GameEnigma
Editor Identity Games
EAN 3760096465288

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  • Escape Ringothèque

    (1 avis positif)

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