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Skull Silver


Challenge your friends with the bluff game Skull Silver! Flower or skull? Sow doubt in your opponents' minds in this simple and effective offbeat game.

  • French
  • From 10 years old
  • less than 30mn
  • 3 to 6 player(s)

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17,95 €


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Skull Silver, a game of offbeat bluff

This bluff game, with its colourful universe, is the restyled version of the Skull and Roses game. Its author, Hervé Marly, changed the theme by replacing the imagery of motorcycle gangs with that of peoples. The illustrations of this new cutting are particularly careful. The principle of the game remains the same. Players must win two challenges to hope to win the game. To do this, bluff, bid, and above all, don't fall on your skull!

Skull Silver, a well-tried mechanical game

Each participant has a mat (with a coloured and a shiny side), 3 flower discs and 1 Skull disc.

At the beginning of the game, the players place the mat face up in front of them and place one of their 4 disks face down on it. The bluff can then begin! The first player has two possible actions: either he puts a second disc or he challenges.

If he places a second card, the other players must do the same until a player challenges his classmates by announcing the number of flowers on the table.

Once the challenge is launched, the other players can then bid higher or pass their turn. The last to bid becomes the challenger. He must then turn the discs over one by one, starting with his own.

If a skull and crossbones appears, his challenge is lost. He then loses one of his cards, randomly drawn from his hand by the opponent whose Skull he flipped. When a player has no more cards, he leaves the game.

If he returns the number of flowers announced in his bet, he wins his challenge. He then turns his carpet over, a sign that he only has one challenge left to win to win the game.

The game continues until a player wins two challenges.

Language(s) French
Mechanism(s) Bluff
Author(s) Hervé Marly
Overall score 4.5
Editor Space Cowboys
EAN 3558380108320

Shut Up & Sit Down

Ce jeu est conseillé par 1 de nos Bloggers

Les Bloggers ont donné une note de 4/5 sur ce produit
  • Ce jeu a été joué et recommandé par Ma Table de Jeu, voici son avis :


    Jeu de bluff rapide à comprendre et à jouer.

    Matériel minimaliste mais agréable.

    Facile à transporter.

    Le petit jeu parfait ...

    Retrouver l'avis illustré ici : https://www.facebook.com/matabledejeu/posts/1352715184926043

    1 personne a trouvé cet avis utile

Ce jeu est conseillé par 74 de nos Clients

Les Clients ont donné une note de 4.5/5 sur ce produit

Ils ont aimé...

George P. le 06/26/20


Very good game amazing quality and artwork!

2 personnes ont trouvé cet avis utile

Ils ont moins aimé...

Stéphane f. le 04/15/15 Achat vérifié

Pas convaincu par la mecanique de bluff par mon groupe de joueur malheureusement. A reserver en fin de soirée...

  • le 07/09/21


    Un bon jeu de bluff mais attention les cartes s'abiment assez facilement. Promet des parties fun entre amis et pourtant je n'ai pas toujours hâte d'y rejouer car c'est une mécanique qui se répète.

    1 personne a trouvé cet avis utile
  • le 04/27/21 Achat vérifié

    Bon petit jeu de bluff sympa
  • le 03/26/21


    Pour moi l’un des meilleurs jeux d’apéro, pour faire découvrir, les jeux (autres que les jeux de questions et devinettes). Un bon jeu de bluff avec une dose de push your luck.

    Il faut changer un point de règle :  "on peut ne pas dévoiler ses propres cartes"

    1 personne a trouvé cet avis utile
  • le 06/26/20


    Very good game amazing quality and artwork!

    2 personnes ont trouvé cet avis utile

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