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Opciones de compra y complementos
- IdiomaEspañol
- Fecha de publicación1 diciembre 2022
- Edad de lecturaA partir de 13 años
- Dimensiones15 x 22 x 28 cm
- ISBN-100786968346
- ISBN-13978-0786968343
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Detalles del producto
- Editorial : DEVIR IBERIA, S.L. (LIBROS) (1 diciembre 2022)
- Idioma : Español
- ISBN-10 : 0786968346
- ISBN-13 : 978-0786968343
- Edad de lectura : A partir de 13 años
- Peso del producto : 953 g
- Dimensiones : 15 x 22 x 28 cm
- Clasificación en los más vendidos de Amazon: nº301.487 en Libros (Ver el Top 100 en Libros)
- nº248 en Juegos de rol (Juguetes y juegos)
- nº7.787 en Juegos y adivinanzas (Libros)
- Opiniones de los clientes:
Opiniones de clientes
- 5 estrellas4 estrellas3 estrellas2 estrellas1 estrella5 estrellas82%8%5%1%4%82%
- 5 estrellas4 estrellas3 estrellas2 estrellas1 estrella4 estrellas82%8%5%1%4%8%
- 5 estrellas4 estrellas3 estrellas2 estrellas1 estrella3 estrellas82%8%5%1%4%5%
- 5 estrellas4 estrellas3 estrellas2 estrellas1 estrella2 estrellas82%8%5%1%4%1%
- 5 estrellas4 estrellas3 estrellas2 estrellas1 estrella1 estrella82%8%5%1%4%4%
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- Reseñado en España el 15 de marzo de 2023No está en español, tal y como indica la descripción
Reseñas más importantes de otros países
J StormReseñado en Estados Unidos el 21 de julio de 2024
5,0 de 5 estrellas Not only is this the first Dragonlance campaign since 3.5e, the artwork on the cover is superb!
I've been waiting patiently for many, many years for WoTC to finally wake up and publish a NEW Dragonlance Campaign! Finally--this is it. (I've been preparing pewter painted miniatures, plastic dragons, maps of Ansalon, etc. etc. for about 12 YEARS, in anticipation for this!) Until now, we had to play 3.5, ignoring the disaster they called 4e, hated mainly because the whole edition was a knock-off of Warhammer. WoTC finally figured out that if we wanted to play Warhammer, we would--when we WANTED Dungeons and Dragons! WoTC made some inane excuse that it wasn't "PC," which we could care less about. Personally, I don't know what they were talking about--Ansalon had Black people (on Northern Ergoth) Mediterranean peoples (in the deserts of Khur) and even American Indians (spread out, but mainly in Abanasinia.) All colors and creeds were included in Ansalon, so what was their problem??? The ONLY thing which we found a little strange was that there were no women allowed in the Solamnic Knighthood, but that was typical of the time period. WoTC had Tasslehoff Burrfoot, the Time-Traveling Kender, go back in time and change history, so that now there ARE Lady Knights in the Orders (Lady Becklin of Volger, an important NPC.) The one thing I take issue with is some of the artwork: On one page, is depicted a Black dwarf from Thorbardin, probably of the Duergar clan. What rankled me is the fact that he HAS NO BEARD! Dwarves are KNOWN for their long, braided, well-kept beards! To have a clean-shaven dwarf is a mark of disgrace, meaning that he was cast-out of his clan. Mayhap, that's what the artist had in mind(?!) But still, it's not typical of a dwarf. Despite this very MINOR departure with which any longtime fan (since 1984!) would take issue because we KNOW the world, this is a very good campaign that I'm running! The writers left a lot open, an open canvas for an experienced Dungeon Master and fantasy writer to paint on and add to! I created a boy wizard, a White Robe, with a very interesting backstory that ties in with Lord Loren Soth, and ties everything together. WHY didn't the Dragonarmy invade and run all over the City of Kalaman? WHY and how did a group of young teenaged adventurers manage to outwit a whole army that included dragons, and undead that were piloting a Flying Fortress? (Because the young White Robe was born with Soth's lost soul! Alurian didn't just LOOK like Lord Soth when he was alive, he IS HIM. That is why Lord Soth backed off and gave orders that NO ONE was to harm this boy, and to leave the city intact!) In running the campaign, the White Robe mage is an NPC, and takes over as Lord of Kalaman after Soth slaughters the city council, the governor of Kalaman, and even Alurian's Solamnic Knight father, and Red Robe maternal grandfather, Cilvar (an NPC from 3.5.) The party right now includes a Solamic Squire, a Black Robe sorceress, and a Kender ranger. So, you can see, this really is a very interesting Campaign, worth the wait! Buy it, NOW!
The YetiReseñado en Canadá el 8 de junio de 2024
5,0 de 5 estrellas Dragonlance
The product came in on time, and in the best shape
- Ricardo Felix AcevedoReseñado en México el 28 de diciembre de 2023
1,0 de 5 estrellas NO ESTA EN ESPAÑOL
marcoReseñado en Alemania el 20 de agosto de 2023
5,0 de 5 estrellas The best DND module so far
A well done module! The adventure is welle written and requiere only some minimal adjustment by the DM. the handsout and the maps are incredible! one of the best adventure i have bought! I recommend its purchase to all DMs out there
gilrayReseñado en Francia el 3 de marzo de 2023
5,0 de 5 estrellas Impeccable
Transport impeccable et rapide, même en provenance de Naples. Produit bien emballé par l'expéditeur.