Banjooli Xeet

Banjooli Xeet

The Wizard of the Tribe has died. As it has been recorded by our ancestors, for thousands of years wizard-wannabes made their predictions for the ostrich race in the Holy Cave, the one making the more accurate predictions becoming the new Wizard. Which ostrich will win the race? Who will become the new Wizard? The answers are not easy since it is an open secret that candidates are not limited just to making predictions...

In Banjooli Xeet players become Wizards who must predict the order of arrival of racing ostriches in order to gain points, while dodging obstacles, collecting berries, avoiding the dreaded Lion, and not waking the sleeping crocodiles.

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The Wizard of the Tribe has died. As it has been recorded by our ancestors, for thousands of years wizard-wannabes made their predictions for the ostrich race in the Holy Cave, the one making the more accurate predictions becoming the new Wizard. Which ostrich will win the race? Who will become the new Wizard? The answers are not easy since it is an open secret that candidates are not limited just to making predictions...

In Banjooli Xeet players become Wizards who must predict the order of arrival of racing ostriches in order to gain points, while dodging obstacles, collecting berries, avoiding the dreaded Lion, and not waking the sleeping crocodiles. Banjooli Xeet is a fast-paced race game for 2 to 5 players with a lot of bluffing, crazy predictions and hilarious fun.

El Brujo de la Tribu ha muerto. Tal como dejaron escrito nuestros antepasados, miles de años atrás, los aspirantes realizarán sus predicciones para la carrera de avestruces en la gruta sagrada y el que realice la más exacta será el nuevo Brujo de la Tribu. ¿Qué avestruz ganará la carrera? ¿Quién se convertirá en nuevo brujo? Son respuestas difíciles, ya que es un secreto a voces que los aspirantes no se limitan simplemente a hacer predicciones… En Banjooli Xeet los jugadores son Brujos y deben predecir el orden de llegada de los avestruces para ganar puntos, sortear obstáculos, recoger bayas, evitar al temido León, no despertar a los dormidos cocodrilos. Banjooli Xeet es un juego rápido de 2 a 5 jugadores con mucho faroleo, locas predicciones y diversión hilarante.

Rilasciato: 2013
Designers: Diego Ibañez
Artisti: Pedro Soto
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