In Chang Cheng, players take turns adding pieces to the Great Wall. On one side of the wall lay the Chinese provinces, each with its own point value. On the other side are the provinces of the Mongol invaders, each with a randomly-assigned negative point value. Since provinces on either side do not directly correspond to each other, the goal is to place your pieces so that you can attain a majority on the Chinese side (for positive points) while avoiding having a majority on the Mongolian side (for negative points). Players also have a set of cards (tiles actually) that give them a few special privileges to help themselves or interfere with other players.
... leggi di piùIn Chang Cheng, players take turns adding pieces to the Great Wall. On one side of the wall lay the Chinese provinces, each with its own point value. On the other side are the provinces of the Mongol invaders, each with a randomly-assigned negative point value. Since provinces on either side do not directly correspond to each other, the goal is to place your pieces so that you can attain a majority on the Chinese side (for positive points) while avoiding having a majority on the Mongolian side (for negative points). Players also have a set of cards (tiles actually) that give them a few special privileges to help themselves or interfere with other players.
The game also comes with optional cards that may be used to provide other methods of scoring points.
Rilasciato: | 2007 |
Editori: | |
Designers: | Walter Obert |
Negozio | Lingua | Prezzo |
Totale | Scorta | |
$ 37.95 | $ 4.95 | $ 42.90 (€ 40.43) | Visita | |
Negozio | Lingua | Prezzo | Scorta | |
$ 37.95 | Visita | |
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