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Anachrony : Fractures of Time Expansion


Anachrony: Fractures of Time Expansion is an extension in English for Anachrony which brings even more depth to your game, as well as a solo mode.
  • English
  • From 15 years old
  • 2 to 3h
  • 1 to 4 player(s)

75,00 €


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A content-rich expansion!

Since the Ways' Temporal Rifts first activated on Reminiscence Day, masses of people across the New Earth have had visions of a fifth Temporal Rift hovering over the ominous Ground Zero, waiting to be discovered. These visions have also sparked a growing sense of empathy and camaraderie among these people - a bond far stronger than their affiliation with the Ways. A mass exodus from the capitals of the Ways took place during the first era, and the early pioneers discovered that the temporal rift evoked in their visions not only existed, but contained the foundations of a new civilization, one that could ultimately set all the peoples of the New Earth on a new path - the Way of Unity.

The Unity Way explorers soon discovered a remote mountain valley where the flora had not only strangely survived the impact, but had mutated and evolved under the effect of the toxic Neutronium dust from the asteroid. The resulting flower-like crystal formations synthesize a substance called Flux, which is collected and studied by the Reapers, the valley's mysterious inhabitants. The Reapers are willing to share the secrets of Flux technology with the Ways, but remain silent about its side effects, to which only they are immune...

In the alternate timeline of Fractures of Time, the first major expansion to Anachrony, the original four Paths and the newly blooded Path of Unity have gained access to a powerful new technology called Flux. Flux Cores can be acquired in the Valley of Amethynia, the expansion's new main area. By using Flux Cores to power their Fracture device, players can move ("Blink") one of their already placed Exosuits to a new Action Box instead of placing a new one, or immediately recover some of their Workers or Free Action markers. This can result in a never-before-seen action efficiency, but like the Temporal Rifts, Flow technology is a double-edged sword. Without a sufficiently advanced Fracture device, its overuse can cause Temporal Glitches; hectic negative effects such as closing Exosuit bay locations, temporarily disabling buildings, or making players more vulnerable to Anomalies.

The Valley also holds other secrets. Advanced Operator technology allows players to remove temporal glitches, enhance classic Pathway technology with new quirks, and even enlist the Collectors themselves as a powerful new class of Workers, who are immune to the side effects of the Flow.

This expansion requires the base game to play.
Theme(s) Post-ApocalypseScience Fiction
Language(s) English
Mechanism(s) PlacementWorkers
Expansion for Anachrony
Author(s) Viktor PeterRichard AmannDávid Turczi
Artist Villő Farkas
Editor Mindclash Games
EAN 5999138700034

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