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Star Wars Legion : Rebel Veterans Unit Expansion


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With instincts honed in the trenches, Rebel veterans are often assigned the hardest and most vital jobs in the war against the Empire. Through the countless hopeless battles on desolate worlds that they have seen, Rebel veterans can always be relied upon to get the job done, to hold the line, or to fight to the bitter end.
  • English
  • From 14 years old

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29,36 €

41,95 €


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With instincts honed in the trenches, Rebel veterans are often assigned the hardest and most vital jobs in the war against the Empire. Through the countless hopeless battles on desolate worlds that they have seen, Rebel veterans can always be relied upon to get the job done, to hold the line, or to fight to the bitter end.

Within this expansion, you’ll find seven unique unpainted Rebel Veteran miniatures to add to your collection, including a Mark II Medium Blaster Trooper miniature that can be deployed as a detachment, offering valuable fire support to all of your units. Accompanying these miniatures are two unit cards, a selection of upgrade cards allowing you to outfit your veterans with new weapons and gear, and all the tokens you need to add them to your Rebel armies!

Take your Star Wars: Legion battles to the frigid plains of Hoth with the seven unique, highly detailed miniatures contained in this expansion! Five Rebel Veterans with A-280 blaster rifles are prepared to make the Empire pay dearly for any ground it gains while a CM-O/93 Trooper is ready to stop an Imperial unit in its tracks.
Bolster your forces with a Mark II Medium Blaster Trooper miniature and provide valuable fire support to your units.
Language(s) English
Overall score 4.7
Theme Futuriste/SF
Product Type Miniatures
Country of origin China
Editor Fantasy Flight Games (US)
EAN 841333107765

Ce jeu est conseillé par 2 de nos Clients

Les Clients ont donné une note de 5/5 sur ce produit
  • le 02/08/20 Achat vérifié

  • le 12/10/19


    De belles figurines pour une unité au meilleur rapport qualité/points que les rebelles de base. Eux au moins convertissent leurs attaques en cas de "surge" sur les dés. A cela s'ajoute le canon sur trépied qui m'a déjà sauvé 2-3 fois d'embuches sur le champ de bataille et qui est une unité d'infanterie donc ne vient pas mettre le bazar dans vos jetons d'ordre. Cette dernière unité apporte une bonne option dans votre construction d'armée. Leur seul défaut, c'est le côté potentiellement anti-thématique quand vous les mettez ailleurs que sur de la glace mais côté jeu, cette extension assure.

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