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Dominion - Alchemy


Flash sale : 5d 6h 5m 22s
Confined in their dark laboratories, the alchemists work tirelessly to find the formula for transforming gold lead.
  • English
  • From 8 years old
  • 30mn to 1h
  • 2 to 4 player(s)

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26,80 €

33,50 €



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Confined in their dark laboratories, the alchemists work tirelessly to find the formula for transforming gold lead. With their strange ingredients, they lead multiple experiences more or less fruitful while waiting for the miracle.In dominion, each player begins with a small pack of identical cards. In the center of the table is a selection of other cards that players can "buy" as they can afford. Thanks to their selection of cards to buy, and the way they play their hands, players build their package on the fly, striving to find the most effective way towards the precious victory points at the end of the game. The fourth title of the Dominion series, exploring a brand new universe. That of alchemists and their magic potions. Including 12 new kingdom cards, this extensions offers more! She introduces new treasure cards: potions. The latter can, like treasures, serve to buy new cards. Without potions, we can not get them.Extension for Dominion and Dominion the plot. Requires one of the two to be used.
Language(s) English
Mechanism(s) CardsDeck Building
Author(s) Donald X. Vaccarino
Overall score 4.2
Editor Rio grande
EAN 655132004183

Gamme Dominion

Ce jeu est conseillé par 1 de nos Clients

Les Clients ont donné une note de 3/5 sur ce produit
  • le 12/09/22


    En fan absolu de Dominion, je dois bien avouer que cette extension est dispensable. Elle ajoute une monnaie de plus (les cartes trésor "potion") permettant d'acheter la plupart des cartes de l'extension... et qui fait qu'on peut difficile mixer Alchimie avec plus d'une ou deux autres extensions maximum. Qui plus est, certaines cartes ont un pouvoir ultra pété, et orientent la partie autour d'elles systématiquement. On va donc tous rusher certaines cartes, au lieu de réfléchir à quelle combo un peu savante je vais mettre en place.

    Ca reste du Dominion - donc par définition génial - mais Alchimie est la dernière extension à posséder, une fois que toutes les autres ont été éclusées. A mon avis bien sûr...

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