Halden is a totem-summoning shaman with an undying amount of work to do – his ghostly clientele provides him with plenty of unusual quests. Adventuring for the dead will take its toll on anyone. After all, wouldn’t you be a little off-kilter if you had to listen to restless spirits with unfinished business?
The Red Dragon Inn: Allies – Halden the Unhinged brings a totem shaman to The Red Dragon Inn. Will you be able to master chaining his totems to maximum effect, or will your totem combos whimper? Take this off-kilter adventurer for a spin and find out!
... meer weergevenHalden is a totem-summoning shaman with an undying amount of work to do – his ghostly clientele provides him with plenty of unusual quests. Adventuring for the dead will take its toll on anyone. After all, wouldn’t you be a little off-kilter if you had to listen to restless spirits with unfinished business?
The Red Dragon Inn: Allies – Halden the Unhinged brings a totem shaman to The Red Dragon Inn. Will you be able to master chaining his totems to maximum effect, or will your totem combos whimper? Take this off-kilter adventurer for a spin and find out!
The Red Dragon Inn: Allies is a series of expansions for any standalone The Red Dragon Inn game. Each Allies set includes a single Character Deck, plus components to add a brand new character to your game.
Winkel | Taal | Prijs |
Totaal | Voorraad | |
$ 14.95 $ 10.47 | $ 6.00 | $ 16.47 (€ 15.70) | Bezoeken | |
€ 14.95 | € 15.00 | € 29.95 | Bezoeken | |
€ 14.95 | € 35.00 | € 49.95 | Bezoeken | |
€ 15.99 | € 34.99 | € 50.98 | Bezoeken | |
Winkel | Taal | Prijs | Voorraad | |
$ 10.47 | Bezoeken | |
€ 14.95 | Bezoeken | |
€ 14.95 | Bezoeken | |
€ 15.99 | Bezoeken | |
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