10' to kill is a deduction game, for 2 to 5 players, played in 10 minutes or so. There are 16 characters on the board, and each player secretly embodies one of them.. Each player also has 3 secret targets he must eliminate, without being discovered. The players have two actions each turn, (choosing from the following) : move any character anywhere on the board, eliminate a character (different ways of doing it), make an identity check by the police. The trick is, when a character is eliminated, nobody says by who or how ! You must apply yourself in blending your true hitman in a crowd of possible suspects, or guess which character is the hitman of the other players.
Uitgebracht: | 2015 |
Uitgevers: |
Winkel | Taal | Prijs |
Totaal | Voorraad | |
€ 26.95 | € 35.00 | € 61.95 | Bezoeken | |
$ 75.00 | $ 4.95 | $ 79.95 (€ 76.19) | Bezoeken | |
Winkel | Taal | Prijs | Voorraad | |
€ 26.95 | Bezoeken | |
$ 75.00 | Bezoeken | |
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