Ships deals with the history of shipping, from the time of the Phoenicians to the modern era. The game is divided into three ages, marked with different ship types. The first age is that of the galley, followed by the age of the galleon, then finally the steamship age. The board combines a track showing the development of ships, similar to that in Automobile, with a map of Europe and an area representing the rest of the world.
Your turn is divided into two phases. In the first phase, you choose to either conduct commerce (such as selling goods, taxing locations or improving your warehouse) or take a card, selecting one from seven on display; the cards vary in their effects, granting money, victory points or special actions.
Uitgebracht: | 2015 |
Uitgevers: | Treefrog Games |
Designers: | Martin Wallace |
Artiesten: | Peter Dennis |
Winkel | Taal | Prijs |
Totaal | Voorraad | |
Jammer... We kunnen geen prijzen vinden voor Ships. |
Winkel | Taal | Prijs | Voorraad | |
Jammer... We kunnen geen prijzen vinden voor Ships. |
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