The City of Gloomhaven can be a tough place to make it as an adventurer, and being in the right party is key to survival. The Jaws of the Lion are the top of the mountain in the hierarchy of the city, but their latest job goes sideways, and Anaphi, the mind-thief, is to blame! The first comic from the wildly popular Gloomhaven game launches a fantasy world unlike any in existence. Get ready for Quatryll punk bands, drug dealing Inox street gangs, and a dark God sleeping beneath the surface, eager to destroy the world. Welcome to the City!
Uitgebracht: | December 2020 |
Uitgevers: |
Winkel | Taal | Prijs |
Totaal | Voorraad | |
€ 3.39 | € 3.39 | Bezoeken | ||
€ 43.31 | € 43.31 | Bezoeken | ||
£ 4.13 | £ 15.99 | £ 20.12 (€ 20.92) | Bezoeken | |
Winkel | Taal | Prijs | Voorraad | |
€ 3.39 | Bezoeken | |
€ 43.31 | Bezoeken | |
£ 4.13 | Bezoeken | |
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