A Game of Thrones Catan: Brotherhood of the Watch - 5-6 Player Extension

A Game of Thrones Catan: Brotherhood of the Watch - 5-6 Player Extension

A Game of Thrones Catan: Brotherhood of the Watch - 5-6 Player Extension


The great forests of the north hide many mysteries, and wildlings have many surprises. Mammoths come lumbering toward the Wall, driven by the wildling hordes. These huge beasts are fierce and tenacious brutes. When they charge they cause chaos, and people scatter!

New heroes have come to the north. Can you enlist their aid to further your goal of becoming the next Lord Commander of the Night's Watch?

This expansion allows you to include two additional players. More competitors means that your victory will be all the more sweet.


  • 60 Player Pieces (5 Settlements, 4 Keeps, 7 Guards, 14 Roads)
  • 8 Wildling Pieces (8 Fierce Mammoths, plus 48 Wildling Tokens)
  • 25 Resource Cards
  • 9 Development Cards
  • 4 New Hero Cards
  • 4 Frame Pieces
  • 8 Terrain Hexes
  • 8 Number Tokens
  • 2 Trade Route Markers
  • 2 Large Wall Sections
  • 2 Build Cost Cards
  • 1 Trade Reminder Marker
  • 1 Rules Booklet
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2 units